As a busy business owner we are always looking for more time. But we all have the same amount of time and the real question is how we use the time we have. Ever thought about that? About what you could be doing, should be doing and actually looking at what you are doing and questioning whether it’s the right thing?
There are definitely things we should be doing in our business – such as the things we love, the things we are fabulous at and the things that bring us so much joy our life would be nothing without it. These probably translate into fee earning work, things that move you towards your goals in a significant way and those elements of our personal life that make it all worthwhile (such as holidays, children/family time, hobbies etc).
So how can we use our time differently – which shop holds the keys to more time and allows us to do the things we love?
- Outsourcing
Getting others to do the stuff we do not enjoy, not very good at and what do not fill our days with sunshine! Such as accounts, social media, branding and on the personal side such things as cleaning, ironing, gardening – I am sure you will have other things on your list.
- Time blocking
According to Michelle from Virtual Hand “Ensuring your diary is completed with all ‘things to do’. Giving your activities ‘time slots’ ensures they will be done and if not can be moved to another slot – another try to get them done.” This does include business and personal stuff – breaking off to put the washing on, prepping dinner for example, breaks the momentum and we know how long it takes us to get back on track (15 minutes for those that didn’t know).
- Grouping activities
Prepping the work to be completed and grouping activities together keeps your mind focused on that job. Such as making phone calls – have your list, the numbers, questions to ask/things to discuss – and you can create a block of time in which to rattle through them. You will probably then need a block of time to action stuff from those calls but that is good in keeping all that work together.
- Breaks
Do include breaks. We are not good working continually for a long time – 90 minutes is about the maximum of focussed attention. So, when we talk about time blocks use 90 minutes as your standard and build in a break then. Make a drink, walk in the garden, read a book for 20 minutes; it is good to do something different and give our brain a break.
- Planning
Some people do it first thing in the day or last thing for the next day. Get your plan straight and you can then hit the ground running and move through your jobs with ease. If you do this in the morning, I would do it before opening your emails – you know what happens then – complete distraction and onto something that was never on your list to do.
I do hope that one or two (or more) of these will help you to use your time better. Managing time is the great elusive of many business owners.