During the pandemic over the last year and a half, many people began working from home. Because of this, a lot of companies realized that they don’t actually need their employees to come into the office and they can instead continue to work from home, even once pandemic related restrictions are lifted. For most people, this is a positive thing. But some still have their reservations. Why wait until when you retire to live the life you want to live with more time for yourself? If you’re not sure if you are happy about working from home or if it’s right for you, here are 4 perks it can bring.
No Commute
Not having to commute to work means saving time and that is always a good thing! Not having to drive, bus, walk, or take the train to work each day will save you several hours a week depending on how far your commute was. Now you will have extra time to get ready in the morning, spend time with your family, or catch up on sleep! Not having a commute also cuts down on the wear and tear you are putting on your car or the money you’re spending on gas, so it’s an all around win.
More Opportunity To Travel
Having to go into work physically every day means not being able to go out of town when you want to without having requested time off ahead of time. But when you are working remotely, you have the ability to work from just about anywhere in the world that has internet. This means you’ll have more opportunity to travel, especially on a whim. If you are willing to accept that you will have to work when on vacation, you can enjoy the benefits of taking vacations more often! A change of scenery is always good.
Take Breaks When Needed
In a structured office schedule, you likely get a lunch break in the middle of the day but not much else. When working from home, you can take a shorter lunch if you want to and take more small breaks throughout the day if you need them.
Set Your Own Hours
Going into work means you’ll have to be there when they tell you to, and leave when they say you’re off. One of the great perks of working from home is that you can set your own hours more or less and start a little earlier or later in the morning if you need to, and stop working for the day once you get everything done. There is also an opportunity to work a lot more than needed or asked which may help you to take more days off!
Get a job that allows you to work from home and start enjoying all of the benefits of it!