3 Biggest Challenges of Working From Home

More and more people are working from home, as it has become a more acceptable way of life for many businesses. In truth, working from home has totally transformed the way that we work, and even the way that we interact. 

It can offer a considerable amount of flexibility and comfort, and for this reason, so many people jump at the chance to be able to work from home. However, as convenient as working from home can be, there are also plenty of challenges that come along with it. These challenges, if not tackled correctly can hinder your productivity and even mental health. If you’re working from home or considering starting, here are some of the biggest challenges to look out for.

Digital Distractions

Depending on your job, you may rely on a wide variety of notifications coming at you, from your email to social media. However, the lines can get blurred between personal notifications and professional ones if you’re not careful. Without an app blocker, staying on task often requires a considerable amount of self-discipline, otherwise we give into temptation.

What many people don’t realize is these innocent notifications coming in throughout the day can add up to a significant amount of time if we’re not careful. It’s important to turn off notifications during work time and focus on your work.

Otherwise, you could find yourself totally distracted and falling behind on your deadlines.


While initially the idea of working from home may seem awesome, many people after a long time start to realize they’re actually quite lonely. Even though you may have digital meetings, that’s not quite the same as face-to-face interaction. 

Human contact is an important part of maintaining your mental health, and working from home may limit the amount of human interaction you have. It’s important that you find a balance in your life. In other words, if you’re someone who works from home, you need to make sure that you get out and spend some social time after work, or interact with your family. Schedule breaks and get out into the world to smell the fresh air and interact with other people.

Home Distractions

When you work in the same place that you live, it’s easier to find yourself getting distracted with your daily to-do’s. Perhaps the dog wants to be walked, or you notice a plant that hasn’t been watered in a while. Your home life can start to spill into your professional one and distract your productivity. 

It helps to create a routine and follow that routine the same as you would any other one. It also significantly helps to create a workspace that’s separate from the rest of your home. Make sure that it’s removed from anything like the television or other family members to reduce the likelihood of getting too distracted and falling behind on productivity.