It is not only about security but also to avoid different problems if you have the right safety tips for your credit card. You just need some basic tips and you can safeguard your card from any threat. So let us begin to explore which tips are useful for us:
Keep your card safe in public places.
When you are at public places or withdrawing cash from ATM, see that your card number is safe from the sight of the frauds. If you have any random phone calls don’t provide your card number to them as it can be fake calls and your account can be hacked. Share your details only if you have initiated any call to any of the bank merchants.
Credit cards provide you with many advantages so see that no one gets them hacked to cause you trouble.
Keep a record of your receipts
Your receipts of the bills and other payments should be cross-checked with your account to make sure that there are not any fraudulent transactions. Try to make a habit of filing your receipts securely and help yourself to stay safe from any deceit.
Have a secure device network
Fraudulent attacks are very common if you store your credit card details in your browser. To protect yourself from such frauds see that the auto-fill function in your browser is turned off. There are other options which can be used such as digital wallet, using electronic transactions, and more.
Digital wallets are safe as they use authentication, encryption, and also tokenization which makes it much safe than taking your credit card everywhere when not required.
The online security
You must be using all the precautions and the basic mobile and the internet safety methods but along with that it is better if you consider the following as well
Have proper details about your merchant
While shopping online with your credit cards see that the website is secure and has a web address with “HTTPS” (the s is for secured) and in the URL the company name is correctly written.
Use mobile apps
You must try to use any type of mobile apps offering online payments for example PayPal, Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, and more so that the merchants don’t get your credit card details. It helps to make sure that your card details are not leaked if the merchant is hacked.
Some of the credit cards like the Gold Amex are secured with proper encryption and authentication that can keep you safe from getting cheated by online hackers.
Keep checking your account from time to time
For the safety of your credit card see that you check your account activities frequently from time to time. And now with digitalized apps, it can be done very easily by using the bank apps that are available for android as well as iOS operating systems. You should allow the card issuers to send you text messages and email alerts if there any unusual activities in your account.