Signs you are addicted to BB guns

BB gunning is unexpectedly addictive, and it can lead to some unusual behaviors that disrupt your normal way of life. So, when buying your first C02 BB gun, you should note that it’s very easy to develop a serious dependency on your gun. In this post, we shall discuss some serious signs of BB gun addiction.

Let’s delve in!

You order your gear in bulk

Yes, your delivery guys know you very well. Your package is always the same—that deceptively heavy package, which comes regularly. Full or BB ammo or CO2, the package brightens your smile whenever you see it, but strains the lower back of the delivery guy.

The regularity of your deliveries only depends on whether or not your favorite supplier has that gear or ammo you love to use. And given the growth of eCommerce in the past few years, it might have led to extra and heavier deliveries. And, this is how you know you are that guy addicted to BB guns.

You need more BB guns

Your addiction to BB guns has brought the law of diminishing returns into play. That back room BB gun vendor has you on their speed dial and has left you in need of more gun power, range, capacity, and caliber, among other things. Now, once the BB gun blood is flowing through your veins, you will find yourself compiling collections of different calibers, models, and shooting stuff, tables, targets, as well as bags.

There’s a high possibility that you have converted your backyard into a shooting range, with wind flags, as well as permanent steel targets fixed at different ranges. In addition to this, your favorite BB gun changes every day. You search different press releases and forums searching for clues of forthcoming models, and how to improve your existing BB guns. This is another sign that BB guns run your world.

You want to learn an extra thing about BB guns every day

Knowledge is power, and it’s essential for optimal living. It can save your life, lead you on the right path, and also keep you informed on all happenings on the activities that you love doing the most. And, like a BB gun junkie, your email box is full of daily updates of the latest BB guns and the best deals in town. Most of these emails come from retailers, social platforms, and manufacturers targeting people like you—BB gun enthusiasts.

These emails help you to remain updated. The information you get quenches your voracious thirst for more BB gun content, even when you are not looking to buy something at the moment. You only need to get updated and learn what’s new in the BB gun market. And in this current day and age of buying craziness, you might find yourself buying something that you don’t need at the moment.

Your vacations are all about BB gunning

If someone was to film your life, we wouldn’t be surprised to discover that BB guns rule your world, even during vacations. Interestingly, you might make certain events with BB gun competitions your favorite vacation destination. If not so, you might just pack your favorite BB gun and some BBs for early morning or late evening target shooting sessions. Also, there’s a chance you’ve brought your BB gun during a hunting vacation.

Several states in the U.S. have opened us seasons where BB guns are legal to use for hunting. And, you will find BB gun enthusiasts in these places. BB guns are serious tools with some serious firepower. So, if you love hunting, you might need to get a permit to use that BB gun. And, don’t forget to bring an extra tin of BBs.